This week's Haveil Havalim is brought to you by Benji over at WWZ.
I have been having trouble putting into words all the things that have been running through my head during the events of the last few days in India. So instead I will just mention that instead of waiting for next week's Haveil Havalim you'll find some perceptive posts on the subject on the following blogs:
Leora at Here in HP Modulate besides her own insights links to a number of thoughtful posts. The Rebbetzin's Husband gives a powerful drasha and Treppenwitz who just returned from India writes about his feelings having narrowly missed being in the thick of this.
I wish to add my condolences to all the bereaved.
Everyone has to find what gets them through the night - I've latched on to the R'YBS approach - we don't ask why (or we do but know we can never really understand the answer), we ask what - what does HKB"H want us to do?(which we should be asking all the time anyway)
I prefer to post about flowers. But life and the evils of life don't allow it. So every other post of mine should have a flower...or at least some pretty scenery or a beautiful child.
It's painful, the horrors of Mumbai and of other horrific events that have been endured.
Thank you very much for the compliment and link.
And to Amerbro - 100% in agreement.
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