If you'd like to host an edition, please contact Batya.
And speaking of Batya check out Shimshonit's interview with her at My favorite foodies, part III: Batya
Batya asks What Could Be Traif -Wrong/Forbidden- About That Innocent Plain Yogurt? and you"ll see the detailed answer at Shiloh Musings.
Special Occasions
Anything Kosher? Everything Kosher!
Chaviva, with her usual wit and candor wrote Kosher Fest: The Highs, The Lows about meeting the giants of Kosher cookbook writing and searching for gluten-free and kosher eats. at Just call me Chaviva.
Batya asks What Could Be Traif -Wrong/Forbidden- About That Innocent Plain Yogurt? and you"ll see the detailed answer at Shiloh Musings.
Irresistible Forces posted at Miriyummy, is much more than a recipe (although it's a great recipe for one of my personal favorite dishes) it's a post full of warmth and loving memories of Miriam's mom presented on her first yahrzeit
Keeping kosher means you never eat anything that's not kosher so when Cary Anderson of Eating Healthy proposes a Part Time Vegan Diet "just a few days a week, every week" it seems to go against our grain, but it's worth giving some thought.
Jay3fer sent us Easy Fall “Whatever You’ve Got” Beef Stew (pressure cooker) from Adventures in Mama-Land, saying, "A hearty fall stew, Canadian-style. Use leftover veggies and Shabbos soup (or roast vegetables ahead of time to make this fast and easy!)."
Batya at me-ander gets around and reports It Was Worth Checking Out Five Restaurants... and also Salad in Malcha Mall.
Leah Lipszyc's new favorite restaurant in Crown Heights at Basil - chossid - Photoblog.com has beautiful pictures but doesn't really tell us much about the place, too bad.
Cookbook Reviews
Kosher Innovations
Leah Aharoni proposed a novel alternative to sandwiches for Fast and Nutritious Lunch Bag Idea posted at Ingathered.
Leora Wenger points us to her friend Debbie's blog Bayit and Garden for a very original recipe. C is for Cookie, That's Good Enough for Me using some unusual ingredients.
Why buy Teriyaki? is the question at Adventures in Mama-Land, and Jay3fer proceeds to give us "Super-easy teriyaki sauce, two ways, for any occasion. Why buy when you can make your own for pennies in less time than it takes to open a jar???" Go for it!
Leah Lipszyc expresses Teacher Appreciation in a sweet and creative way, see what I mean at chossid's photoblog.
Keeping kosher means you never eat anything that's not kosher so when Cary Anderson of Eating Healthy proposes a Part Time Vegan Diet "just a few days a week, every week" it seems to go against our grain, but it's worth giving some thought.
And in the new tool department: "The under-$10 tool that will revolutionize your baking" It’s here! The WHISK is here! posted at Adventures in BreadLand, "And believe me (Jay3fer ), I don't use words like "revolutionize" lightly!"
Economical use of left-overs

rickismom's title says it all: The “What in the World am I going to do With all Those Dates Left Over from Rosh HaShana” Cake posted at Beneath the Wings.
Every day meals
"Menu Planning Monday isn't my own meme, but I've been participating for a while and there are not enough kosher blogs on there! I'd love to see more kosher home cooks adding themselves to the roster of weekly menu planners... mostly just as inspiration for my own family's meals!" Jay3fer shows you what it's all about at Adventures in Mama-Land: mpm
Hadassah Sabo Milner of In the Pink sent in Kosher Jambalaya in the Crockpot which sounds really interesting. I don't have a crockpot but I imagine one could just cook it slowly in a regular pot, right?
Leora Wenger teaches usto make a tasty lemony millet dish in Millet with Carrots and Zucchini posted at Here in HP.
Ilana-Davita has been using curry a lot recently with tuna and with vegetables.
"Does the world need another chocolate cake recipe?" asks Jay3fer and answers: "Well, maybe not, but this one feeds lots of people!" so here it is And in case you need a BIG yummy chocolate cake recipe. While you're at it check out her Pareve Pumpkin Pie for Shabbos posted at Adventures in BreadLand, saying, "And you thought great pumpkin pie couldn't be pareve..."
Freshly Baked Goods Friday: Cinnamon Marble Cake Edition by Mrs. S looks good and easy at Our Shiputzim: A Work In Progress
Leah Lipszyc's new favorite restaurant in Crown Heights at Basil - chossid - Photoblog.com has beautiful pictures but doesn't really tell us much about the place, too bad.
Chaviva presents Cooking w/Giveaway, Susie Style! posted at Just call me Chaviva, saying, "I review Susie Fishbein's new cookbook, and host a cookbook giveaway!"
Batya presents Kosher by Design Teens & 20-Somethings: cooking for the next generation - Book Review posted at me-ander.
Batya presents Yes, It's Time, To Choose a Rhyme! posted at me-ander, saying, "Help me choose the winner!"
Mara presents Cookbook Review: Kosher by Design Teens & 20-Somethings posted atKosher on a Budget, saying, "My review of the new Susie Fishbein cookbook."
Here are the previous editions of the Kosher Cooking Carnival:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, KCC Meta Carnival, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 58 and 59. Click on the numbers to check them out. Blog about them and visit the various links.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, KCC Meta Carnival, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 58 and 59. Click on the numbers to check them out. Blog about them and visit the various links.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of kosher cooking carnival-kcc using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: kosher cooking carnival-kcc, blog carnival.
Thank you so much! Wonderful KCC.
Looking forward to checking out all these links... I hadn't realized I submitted so much; I promise I wasn't spamming, just had a "good food month," I guess!
Meanwhile, if anybody's interested in winning Cooking by Design, Teens & Twenty-something style, enter my Cooking Disaster Contest tonight or tomorrow (Sunday) for one last chance!
Chodesh tov to all!!!
Thanks! It's a wonderful 60th KCC. Chodesh Tov!
Great hosting! I have big shoes to fill for next month!
Thank you for this edition og kcc and for including my posts!
Excellent job!
Thanks for the link, shavua tov, and chodesh tov!
I finally submitted! And it made it! PS: there's a new giveaway on my blog of Jamie Geller's new book, open until tonight. Enter :)
And thanks for putting this together!
Great job! I have GOT to remember to post something to KCC next month :-)
Thanks for coming by everyone! Good luck with the giveaways everyone. Miriyummy, you have no idea how large my real life shoes really are (12B) but anyhow, good luck with the 61st KCC.
Phyllis, I can't remember the last time I submitted to KCC but I love reading what others have to say about food!
I love how this blog carnival brings together so many different perspectives on kosher cooking.
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