
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Welcome Heshvan, Haveil Havalim and the latest Kosher Cooking Carnival

As I've mentioned before the holiday season is over and life settles down to business here in Israel. At our house we have run out of excuses and we are gearing up to eat more sensibly and try to lose some weight. Batya's latest Kosher Cooking Carnival #59 is posted over at me-ander and she even has a few recipes in the section marked 'Diet'. There, I've even said the word.
I'll be hosting the next edition so keep me in mind and point me in the direction of tasty stuff that will help us stay on the straight and narrow...
I received this quick response to my call for help and it's worth passing on now rather than later:

Blogger Tamar Genger MA RD said...

I am a Deititian and try to cook healthy most of the time, you can find my recipes on as member Tamar at (my site). I am also coming out with an article on cooking with a pressure cooker, it should be up this week and is filled with healthy ideas.
Good luck.
And so is the Haveil Havalim! at Ima's  where she brings us the "Return to Normal Blogging" edition of the popular Jblogsphere review. 
Thanks Ima. 

1 comment:

Batya said...

Risa, thanks for the mention. I trust you're gearing up to host the next one.

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