Founded by Soccer Dad, one of the founding fathers of the jblogosphere, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs - a weekly collection of Jewish and Israeli blog highlights collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week. It is now managed by Jack, who will be ecstatic if you'll agree to host the carnival on your blog.
I have enjoyed HH at other blogs and have discovered interesting people and ideas through it and I'm now returning the favor and hope to add my own take to some of the submissions this week. But first I have an important request for you bloggers and readers. One of us, whom we have come to know online and in person, RivkA of Coffee and Chemo, has been hospitalized and needs our prayers. Batya has pointed me in the direction of a Tehilim group. You can sign up to join in saying Tehillim for her recovery at this link.
And now on with the posts:
And now on with the posts:
Jewish Identity
David examines the beginnings of Jewish identity in Avraham Avinu, Ha-Yehudi Ha-Rishon and relates it to modern life.
A Simple Jew tells a delightful story about a chassidic rabbi "Greater than an Angel" at A Simple Jew.
Batya is making up for lost time and suggests that study of the bible is as important as keeping mitzvot"Nothing's New..." posted at Shiloh Musings.
Ilana-Davita submitted Remembering & Acting
A New/Old Jewish Superhero points to a novel way of spreading the word about 'the Jewish idea' at Cosmic X in Jerusalem
What is more a sign of Jewish identity than brit milah? Velveteen Rabbi discusses this important ceremony from the parent's point of view Brit Milah: A Parent's Q-and-A.
Susan Barnes reveals the develoopment of her thoughts on phylacteries Tefillin Barbie join her as she explores her connection to Jewish symbols at To Kiss A Mezuzah.
Mistaken Identity?
Maya compares some of Israels celebrities to America's well-knowns in fun post about Israeli-American dopplegangers Israeli Famous People who look like American Famous People posted at How to Be Israeli.
Rabinfest 2010 is the name given by Cosmic X in Jerusalem to the marking of the 15th yahrtzeit of Yitzhak Rabin. He reports on the atmosphere surrounding this year's marking of the day.
Harry's blog ISRAELITY features a potpourri of good stuff about Israel including inviting the Chilean Miners for Xmas, an examination of the housing boom saying Israeli property market is hot…maybe too much so, and another about Hellacious Holon a city which is experiencing a cultural rebirth. I am putting it on my 'must see' list.
I'd like to point you to my discussion of women's Torah study in Israel Reaching for the Stars or Slippery Slope?
Neil Fleischmann who calls himself funny has a serious word on Vayeira Stars and Dust Forever - Vayeirah posted at NY's Funniest Rabbi.
Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver is a prolific blogger who sent in The real Iskafya which is about purification through spirituality rather than abstinence, The meaning of creation ex nihilo, Cultivating a Tefillah state of mind about preparing for prayer and Levels of the Neshamah (not for beginners, Jewish philosophy).
Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver is a prolific blogger who sent in The real Iskafya which is about purification through spirituality rather than abstinence, The meaning of creation ex nihilo, Cultivating a Tefillah state of mind about preparing for prayer and Levels of the Neshamah (not for beginners, Jewish philosophy).
The Rebbetzin's Husband examines the biases of Ageism in the rabbinic search process.Independent Patriot/Elise posted this impassioned plea Ellen Degeneres Speaks Out About Bullying at Liberty's Spirit essentially saying before you give up on life, ask for help.
Rahel has a legitimate complaint about being taken advantage of by a 'friend" Getting the Picture read about it at Elms in the Yard.
Right here on Isramom I told a true story involving ill-put input over hair covering.
Events and Invitations
Batya reports on the women's visit to Tel Shiloh, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, October, 2010 posted at Shiloh Musings and invites us to Women's Prayers at Tel Shiloh, Rosh Chodesh Kislev
After celebrating Rosh Chodesh you can look forward to Jacob Richman's Invitation to Virtual Chanukah Party see what it's about at Good News from Israel.
Elianah-Sharon gives us a peek into the world of a family dealing with ongoing mental health issues in Collateral Damage. It is emotional, perceptive and realistic.
Minnesota Mamaleh: About Books | TC Jewfolk is about her love of books and her book club. I have belonged to a book club here in Rehovot for over a decade and readily identify. Check TC Jewfolk. for her recommendations.
The Rebbetzin's Husband asks whether Rabbis friending children on Facebook is acceptable. I would say that if the kids ask to be your friend it's OK but don't go looking for them. Another thing, I am 'friends' with Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Tweski on Facebook (he is a chassidic Rabbi and psychiatrist who has written many books some of which I have read and are very good) but it seems weird when I get a message about "Abraham".
Lady-Light presents Too Much Work, Too Little Time...To Blog! posted at Tikkun Olam a thought we can all appreciate at one time or another!
QuietusLeo of The Sandman needed a vacation and took his family to Bulgaria (of all places) and took some great photos as well.
Ben-Yehudah gives his opinions of the opinions in Israel's press My Local Rag posted at Esser Agaroth.
Neil Fleischmann is funny about shoppers posted at NY's Funniest Rabbi.
SnoopyTheGoon, whose name is funny enough finds The funny side of French strikes over at Simply Jews.
Mazal tov to Benji Lovitt who is Employed. Which Means I Get Emails Like This over at What War Zone???.
Lady-Light sends us to see a great video by the Latma crew.
Kosher CookingLady-Light sends us to see a great video by the Latma crew.
I will be hosting the KCC (Kosher Cooking Carnival) for the month of Kislev so you can send me your submissions through the BlogCarnial here.
Shimshonit is busy interviewing food mavens and this time around it was my friend of many years and the person responsible for introducing me to bloogging My favorite foodies, part III: Batya over at Shimshonit.
If you have been living under a rock you might not have heard that Suzy Fishbein has a new cookbook and the whole Jblogshere is busy competing for free copies so enter early and often! Try me-ander or Jew In The City, or In The Pink and I'm sure many many others.
Yes, the entire jblog community and more are Praying For RivkA. You did a great job on this week's Havel Havelim.
Thanks for the hard work and for icluding my post.
Thanks for doing this... and I didn't know Dr. Twerski was on Facebook. Time to Friend him...
thank you much, lady! this was obviously a work of heart!
Thank you for including my post.
Well done!
Good job!
Very nicely done. Thank you for your help!
Thanks for hosting, including my posts, and letting us all know about RivkA.
Tizki lemisswoth weRefu'ah Shelemah.
Haveil Havalim #288 Is Up!
Thanks for including my posts. It's a bit disappointing, though, that you think my post on levels of the neshama is inaccessible to beginners, considering that my goal is to make the sublime accessible. Oh well, gotta keep trying!
Thank you for including my link. I thought that I had sent you two, it too late to add?
nice work!
great job, thanks for including me. i am serious, and also won a contest doing stand up, which earned me a title.
Thank you all for commenting and linking. This has been an interesting experience. Lady-Light, I added your post in humor. Sorry I missed it.
Risa, thank you so much (for the 2nd link). What is RivkA's full name?
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