Happy New Year 5770
לשנה טובה תכתבו ותחתמו תש"ע
Friday afternoon as sun begins to set Jews all over th world will be ushering in Rosh Hashana, the beginning of the Jewish new year 5770. For two days we celebrate our commitment to God as creator and king of the universe and contemplate our place in the world. These are ther first two days of the ten days of repentance. The kick-off conference, so to speak. Although we don't recount our sins on Rosh Hashana, we do blow the Shofar in order to 'wake us up' and get us thinking about our deeds, repent and remember God's place in our lives. Although the ritual blowing of the shofar has strict rules I found an interesting modern 'take' on the shofar and I'm sharing it here.

And here's a clip combining the new with the old! Enjoy!

I LOVE that banner!!
40 years of adventures together!
Shannah tovah and everything wonderful!
Thanks! My head knows it's 40 years but my heart doesn't feel that old!
i'll see your 40 and raise you 18
Happy new year!
May you have a happy and sweet New Year!
May I be forgiven for Tagging you.
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