
Monday, February 04, 2008

Birkat Hagomel & Cell Phones

My youngest daughter is in her last year at the Ulpana in Dimona. As everyone in Israel knows, the closer we get to Purim the less time students spend in the school building itself until by Pesach they only visit the school for exams and extra lessons (to make up for what they missed over 3 1/2 years). My daughter is no exception and this morning she was studying for a matkonet (preliminary matriculation test) at a friend's house. There is a weird minhag that I remember from my teaching days, that gives students off the entire day before one of these tests in order to study.

I wasn't listening to the radio as I am at work. One after another 3 of my kids called to ask if I had heard from our girl in Dimona. It was a tense, harrowing 15 minutes until I actually heard her voice assuring me that she was safe in someone's home and not in the Dimona's shopping center.

So, while we thank Hashem that she is safe, we also thank him for the wisdom he granted all those engineers and designers who brought us cell phones to minimize our anxiety.

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